Dressing Aid Chair: Empowering Mobility and Independence
On which side of your bed, are your going to put your “Dressing Chair”?
What is the height of your bed from floor to top of mattress?
Do you easily get your legs out of bed?
Do you easily get your legs back into bed?
Non-slip, user feels secure
Simple Design
Adjustable heights
Beautiful appearance
Full Independence
User can more easily and safely don & doff shoes
Sitting on the edge of your bed to dress does not give adequate support and puts you at risk for falling to the floor.

The Problem
Limited mobility patients lack independence when getting in/out of bed and dressing​
Risk of falling w/o caretaker​
Caregivers perform ~28% activities of daily living. ​
Mostly assisting with getting in and out of beds and chairs (43%). [National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP. (2015). Caregiving in the U.S.]​
Wheelchairs and walkers are not stable​
Provide little support for independence for getting in/out of bed and dressing routines.​
The Dressing Chair For Assistance
Simple and sturdy design
Provides ease of transfer​
Spacious for nightstand items and clothing
Stepping stool for shoe tying​
Customizeable height and arm-handles​